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Neighborhood Purpose Grants


Neighborhood Purpose Grants (or NPG) are awarded to certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or public schools for projects that improve the community and provide a public benefit.


An NPG project may encompass a wide range and can include, but are not limited to the arts, beautification, community support, education, and community improvements.


During 2021 - 2022, NoHo Neighborhood Council approved over $15,000 in Neighborhood Purpose Grants for the following non-profit organizations:


  • Hands4Hope LA provides support to at-risk youth through after-school programs

  • Home-y Made Meals to address food insecurity in North Hollywood

  • Muralism to purchase supplies for painting murals to beautify the NoHo community

  • Parents, Educators/Teachers & Students in Action (PESA) to support at-risk youth


For additional information about NoHo NC Neighborhood Purpose Grants and to apply, please contact us.

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